Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Day 3: My Heart, Hearts New York

On Tuesday, New York City became the first American city to ban artificial artery-clogging trans fats at restaurants. Is this a good thing? Yes. Is this a bad thing? Yes. Here is what I mean:

The liberal in me says YES. The city of New York is only doing this to help people. It appears once again, Americans are to dumb to make good choices for themselves. (2 examples of previous bad choices include refusing to wear seat belts and this nasty little thing called slavery) The government has stepped in to protect us from ourselves.

The conservative in me says NO. The big apple has completely overstepped its boundaries in deciding for us what we can and can not put into our bodies. If I want to put deadly chemicals into my pie hole, I should be allowed to. It's my American right.

It seems a good thing. People eating in New York restaurants will be healthier because of this decision. It sucks the decision was made for them. At this point in time we should have the common sense to ban this shit ourselves. We don't.

I don't call New York home. Now a part of me wishes i did. My heart. Damn my parents for screwing in Texas! Home of the perpetual dip shits.

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