Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Office: U.K. v U.S.

As a lifelong citizen of the United States of America I have a unique perspective of this ball made of dirt and water flying through space and time at a zillion miles per second that we live on. (I apologize for the length of the previous sentence and its rambling nature)
  • Any race of people which don't require sun block are automatically inferior and less civilized than us.
  • God is on our side and our side only in every war. That includes ones that we start.
  • As far as television shows are concerned, we hand the world its ass.

There seems to be two types of folks in this world: Those that regard the U.S. version of The Office as not only superior to the U.K. version but also as one of the greatest television shows in history, and those which are worthless baggies of human excrement who don't deserve the iPods Jesus died on the cross to give them.

There are several reason why someone might be deranged enough to say such a thing.

  • They have never seen the U.S. version
  • They don't have air conditioning.
  • They are deaf and blind.
  • They are being held hostage and they have been told that unless they say the U.K. version is better their kids will be eaten by cannibals.
  • They have lead poisoning.

How I usually get people to agree with me is to beat them upon the face with my fists. However, since you are there and I am here (unless I am watching you read this, in which case prepare for a smack) so the only thing I can do is present the facts:

  • Pam is hotter than Dawn. Barely.

  • Even though Tim is a better name, Jim makes the funnier faces.
  • Michael Scott is a douche. David Brent is most likely a child rapist.
  • Better character development.
  • You don't need and English to English dictionary. Unless you live in England, in which case, I don't care.

It's science.