Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 18: Shows How Cool They Are announced the other day that the new version of Blogger is no longer in beta. It just is. It is what it is.

They said this:

I am overjoyed to announce that today we have o’ficially graduated the new version of Blogger from “in beta” to “.” Why is this significant? Allow me to explain via analogy:

Battlestar Galactica with Lorne Greene : Battlestar Galactica with Edward James Olmos :: Old Blogger : New Blogger

That's right. Battlestar Galactica. Please don't make fun of this. Your have no idea what you are missing. It is by far the best television show ever. NOt just the best Sci-Fi, the best period. Ever. FUCKING EVER!

Here is a taste. This one is free. After it, you have to pay.

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