Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Jesus Machine

I recently read a book by Sam Harris called "The End Of Faith". A rousing call to action against faith. In it, he posed this very interesting question:

Imagine there are two candidates for President. On one hand, we have a candidate with an amazing political resume and has publicly stated that he/she does not believe in some imaginary parental figure dolling out judgments from his magic golden castle in the sky. On the other, we have a beautiful actor/actress who until recently had no interest in politics at all and the only thing we know about them for sure is they are a super-duper-hands-in-the-air-oh-god-oh-god Jesus freak. Which candidate would win?

The answer is scary.

This is a poll I would genuinely like to do.

If you have any ideas please let them be known.

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