Friday, March 16, 2007

The History of Competetive Scrabble???

This morning, I was listening to a podcast of Talk of the Nation, a daily talk show on NPR. The main topic of the day was Bracketology. Mark Reiter has written a book called "The Enlightened Bracketologist: The Final Four of Everything" in which he (along with many guest Bracketists) make brackets for not quite everything.

First, I have this to say: I love the idea of a good top ten list and/or using some method to determine the "best" of anything. In fact, I tend to do this in my head all the time. Since I was a wee lad, I have been waking up in the middle of the night, covered in hot sticky sweat, grasping for some sort of writing material/utensil because I must figure out who has the best chicken tenders (Chicken Express) or some other maddening nonsense which most people would dismiss as a momentary lapse of sanity.

That being said, I thought I was alone on this. I had imagined all my life that I was the one with the problem. I was the one with the obsession. I was wrong.

I don't know if I'm more happy to know I'm not alone or sad to know there are others out there like me, infecting the world with their garbage.

On that note, have a great weekend you schlubs. Or shall I say schlub? I know there is only one of you reading this. I can dream though can't I? Can't I?

P.S. Schlub is not negative. I think.

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