I just got home with this. It wasn't supposed to come out until tomorrow but I guess the people at Barnes & Noble don't give a flying fucktasticle flip about that. That's fine with me.
As soon as I'm finished posting this, it's off to my bed where I will read and read and read and read until I fall asleep.
For those of you not in the know:
This is the 11th and final book in the Timeline - 191 series in which Turtledove ponders what might have happened had the C.S.A. won the Civil War.
Here is what the publisher has to say:
Franklin Roosevelt is the assistant secretary of defense. Thomas Dewey is running for president with a blunt-speaking Missourian named Harry Truman at his side. Britain holds onto its desperate alliance with the USA’s worst enemy, while a holocaust unfolds in Texas. In Harry Turtledove’s compelling, disturbing, and extraordinarily vivid reshaping of American history, a war of secession has triggered a generation of madness. The tipping point has come at last.
The third war in sixty years, this one yet unnamed: a grinding, horrifying series of hostilities and atrocities between two nations sharing the same continent and both calling themselves Americans. At the dawn of 1944, the United States has beaten back a daredevil blitzkrieg from the Confederate States–and a terrible new genie is out of history’s bottle: a bomb that may destroy on a scale never imagined before. In Europe, the new weapon has shattered a stalemate between Germany, England, and Russia. When the trigger is pulled in America, nothing will be the same again.
With visionary brilliance, Harry Turtledove brings to a climactic conclusion his monumental, acclaimed drama of a nation’s tragedy and the men and women who play their roles–with valor, fear, and folly–on history’s greatest stage.
Basically, if you are not a big time history nerd then you would probably not find this any better than eating a table spoon full of butter.
However, I care. A great deal. And now I must go crap my pants.