Sunday, October 7, 2007

If you enjoy being pissed off, read this post.

I got my first Mother Jones in the mail on Friday. The cover story is about this school in Massachusetts for autistic, mentally retarded and emotionally troubled kids. It's called the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center. You can read about it here or just go pick up the latest issue of Mother Jones.

Please sit down. I want you to be mentally and physically prepared for what you are about to read. Do it!

More than half of these kids are hooked up to electrodes which the staff uses to administer a 2 second shock anytime they do something "wrong". They have to wear a backpack containing the device and its batteries 24 hours a day. Even when they are fucking showering. And when they are sleeping, the backpack remains right by their side. Some of these kids have been wearing these devices for years. Like more than 5.

I really wanted to write up a very in depth review of the story. But as I'm typing this, I just fucking cant. I want to slit someones throat.

This is fucking torture. They fucking shock these kids. Painful fucking shocks. Like they are animals or something. If this was being done to prisoners it would be called what it is.

The only reason this school is still around is because of connections to senators and whatnot that keep them protected. And here is the kicker: This "school" is kept running through our fucking tax dollars.

I just cant type anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was also profiled on Dateline, or one of the other popular news shows, a few months ago. It did represent both views on this controversial treatment.