Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The One Where I Talk About My Feelings

I feel lonely. At one point in time it seemed that nothing would break up my group of friends. After all we had been together since high school. Over the past few years things have changed. People have surprised me. They are married with kids. They either live or will soon be living in places with names like Sunnyvale or California. I know it's all part of getting older. It's all part of time. Objects moving through space. Soon my grandmother will be dead. My brother will be who knows where. Somebody stop this crazy ass ride. I want to get off. Seriously.

Sorry if you don't laugh. We can't always be Bill Cosby. Unless we are Bill Cosby. In which case, it would probably get old being Bill Cosby. Pudding.

Don't ask why. Just embrace it. It makes me smile.


Lloyd the Riddle said...

Ya, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

Life is go go go and it never ever stops to let you catch your breath. Just keep moving, one foot in front of the other. You are not being left behind, you yourself are on a new adventure. I wish you good luck and lots of laughter in this life.